I look forward to all of you finishing strong in this course.
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Hi Guys all projects are up. Remember we have roughly 3 weeks left in this course. Set aside some times to make pictures, be creative, and check out the websites I have provided for ideas. Stay committed to your projects and utilize your class time to process them, and you will get good results.
I look forward to all of you finishing strong in this course.
I look forward to all of you finishing strong in this course.
Project #18
My Big Idea
Using a combination of the different skills you have acquired create an open project of your choice.
This is your final exam so use a broad spectrum of creative ideas to show case your photography skills.
Tell a storey using the following photography techniques, you can use multiple photos in each category. Have fun and be creative! This is your last major assignment so work hard and do a good job!
Choose to use Photoshop to enhance or change or modify or choose to take natural pictures your choice, what ever you prefer is fine.
Using a combination of the different skills you have acquired create an open project of your choice.
This is your final exam so use a broad spectrum of creative ideas to show case your photography skills.
Tell a storey using the following photography techniques, you can use multiple photos in each category. Have fun and be creative! This is your last major assignment so work hard and do a good job!
Choose to use Photoshop to enhance or change or modify or choose to take natural pictures your choice, what ever you prefer is fine.
Take 5 pictures using the following techniques, all photos must interact and connect to each other to form your Big Idea. In essence
this assignment is your final exam. I will be looking for the criteria below in your photographs.
Basic Elements of Photography
3 photos 9 marks each
Use of Perspective
3 photos 9 marks each
Use of Dynamic Colour
3 marks 9 marks each
Emotion, mood, high, key low key
3 marks 9 marks each
Dynamic Tension
3 marks 9 marks each
Total pictures 15 in assignment
Total Mark /135
this assignment is your final exam. I will be looking for the criteria below in your photographs.
Basic Elements of Photography
3 photos 9 marks each
Use of Perspective
3 photos 9 marks each
Use of Dynamic Colour
3 marks 9 marks each
Emotion, mood, high, key low key
3 marks 9 marks each
Dynamic Tension
3 marks 9 marks each
Total pictures 15 in assignment
Total Mark /135
Assignment # 17
Sports Photography

In this assignment you will experiment with capturing the action and emotion of sports. Consider a variety of perspectives and camera angles to create interest or to capture the over all feeling in the activity. Be creative don't be afraid to create backgrounds that make the image more dynamic and interesting. Consider the skills you used in capturing movement. What are you trying to achieve and how can you make your sports photo's fun and interesting?
Criteria 20 action shots /60 marks

In this assignment you will experiment with capturing the action and emotion of sports. Consider a variety of perspectives and camera angles to create interest or to capture the over all feeling in the activity. Be creative don't be afraid to create backgrounds that make the image more dynamic and interesting. Consider the skills you used in capturing movement. What are you trying to achieve and how can you make your sports photo's fun and interesting?
Criteria 20 action shots /60 marks
Assignment #16
The Study of Emotion Through Story Boarding
Emotionally packed photo's can tell a story and have a huge impact on how the viewer comprehends the photo. In this assignment you will come up with a theme that demonstrates a variety of emotions or moods. Keep in mind the following factors: environment - By choosing the correct environment you can establish a setting. Lighting - lighting has a huge impact .Low and High keyed photos can influence mood as well. And of course Expression - facial expression and body language (posturing) can have a huge influence on how the viewer perceives your photo graphs.
Take 20 photographs that are linked together using the above criteria. Try and tell a story using only photographs. Create a written outline then take photos will make up a visual story.
/120 marks
Take 20 photographs that are linked together using the above criteria. Try and tell a story using only photographs. Create a written outline then take photos will make up a visual story.
/120 marks
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Assignment #15
Night Photography
In this assignment you will produce 10 night time pictures. There is only one requirement, you can not use your flash. Use instead the natural light sources around you ie. street lamps, yard lights, car lights and the moon. If you are using a 35 mm SLR camera open your aperture as wide as it goes so that you can absorb as much light as possible, and slow your shudder speed down. It is very important when you are doing this to either have your camera on a stationary surface or use a Tri-Pod to avoid camera shake and blur. Be creative consider the elements of photography and different perspectives
10 photos 9 marks each /90
10 photos 9 marks each /90
- Tripod. While not always necessary (see further on for how to cheat on this), a tripod will give you the greatest flexibility to get the angles you need while keeping your camera steady for those long exposures.
- Wide-angle lenses. This is a personal preference, but I love the way they work in night photography. Try it out with whatever you’ve got as the only thing that will limit you is your imagination.
- A lens hood. To minimize lens flares from light entering at angles outside of your frame.
- A flashlight. Sometimes you’ll want to draw attention to or simply lighten up an important part of the foreground which is too dark.
- Our imagination. Tools lie all around us in everyday objects to help us make our work better in this; I’ve used bicycle lamps, lampposts and newspaper boxes to get it done.

Photo Of The Week
Photo of the week "Charity"
/ˈtʃærɪti/ Show Spelled[char-i-tee] Show IPA
noun, plural char·i·ties.
1. generous actions or donations to aid the poor, ill, or helpless: to devote one's life to charity.
2. something given to a person or persons in need; alms: She asked for work, not charity.
3. a charitable act or work.
4. a charitable fund, foundation, or institution: He left his estate to a charity.
5. benevolent feeling, especially toward those in need or in disfavor: She looked so poor that we fed her out of charity.
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