Thursday, September 8, 2016

Welcome to Photo 11-12 every one! This semester will be very busy so it is very important that we all work together.

The first task that you will be doing is building a blog. The Blog is a communication tool that links you to me. All projects you do will be uploaded to this blog. I will mark all your projects on your blog. As a procautionary measure make sure you save your projects to my documents or on your flash drive, that would be wise as well. There are no exscuses for not having your work saved some where. (do not save your work to my pictures on the computer)
There will be times when you have questions regarding the technology that I may not be able to answer and there may be times where you can answer my questions. I will do my best if I don't know the answer to find it out for you. But you will have to be patient. Many of the programs we will be using this year are new to me as well.

The following are a list of expectations for this semester

- Arrive on time with a good attitude.

- Be courteous and polite, in essence a good classroom citizen.

- No food or drink will be permitted near the computers.

- Come prepared with all the required equipment.

- Work hard to the best of your ability.

- Be a trusting and courteous member of the comunity when signed out taking pictures.

- Always make sure you sign out with Mr. Mueller, and at the front desk with Mrs.  When leaving the building.

- There will be no picture taking in the hallways or classroom of the school.

You will need the following supplys for this course.

1. Camera this can include any digital camera, including iphones or ipods.

2. Memory Card for your camera (these will not be supplied)

3. A thumb drive for backing up or transfering photo's.

*Remember it is your responsibility to bring your camera's and supply's to class every day.

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