For this assignment you will be responsible for producing 25 portraits. When when you have completed your pictures show me them before you post them on your blog. Make sure you ask Mr. Mueller for use of his tripod and lights. You are welcome to use Mrs Pye's costumes. Please make sure you return everything nice and neat where you found them. Also try early morning photography using the sun rise for the back ground. If you have a manual setting on your camera please use it.
1. Consider using the stage with a lighting source.
2. Consider Costumes and various different poses.
3. You can do full body portraits or regular close ups, also extreme close ups of just facial portions are interesting.
4. Create both black and white and colour portraits.
consider the following to add interest to your projects:
perspective, lighting, emotion, mood, colour schemes, poses eye direction, head position
Before you begin read the 9 tips for a perfect photo website indicated below, and check out the other examples provided.
Before you begin read the 9 tips for a perfect photo website indicated below, and check out the other examples provided.
Work hard and have fun!
Final 8 Pictures Indicate your top 8 pics 72 marks
25 thumbnails 25 marks
Total marks for Project 97 marks