Friday, October 28, 2016

Assignment #12



For this assignment you will be responsible for producing 25 portraits. When when you have completed your pictures show me them before you post them on your blog. Make sure you ask Mr. Mueller for use of his tripod and lights. You are welcome to use Mrs Pye's costumes. Please make sure you return everything nice and neat where you found them. Also try early morning photography using the sun rise for the back ground. If you have a manual setting on your camera please use it.
1. Consider using the stage with a lighting source.
2. Consider Costumes and various different poses.
3. You can do full body portraits or regular close ups, also extreme close ups of just facial portions are interesting.
4. Create both black and white and colour portraits.

consider the following to add interest to your projects:

perspective, lighting, emotion, mood, colour schemes, poses eye direction, head position

 Before you begin read the 9 tips for a perfect photo website indicated below, and check out the other examples provided.
Work hard and have fun!

Final 8 Pictures   Indicate your top 8 pics 72 marks
25 thumbnails 25 marks
Total marks for Project 97 marks
Portraits Portraits Portraits

Portraits Michelle Banham tutorial Tutorial Tutorial

Photo of the Week

Photo of the Week
Photo of the Week "Abandoned & Discarded"

having been deserted or cast off.
"an abandoned car"

synonyms:deserted, forsaken, cast aside/off; More
unrestrained; uninhibited.
"a wild, abandoned dance"


past tense: discarded; past participle: discarded
get rid of (someone or something) as no longer useful or desirable.
"Hilary bundled up the clothes she had discarded"

synonyms:dispose of, throw away/out, get rid of, toss out, jettison, scrap, dispense with, cast aside/off, throw on the scrapheap; More
  • (in bridge, whist, and similar card games) play (a card that is neither of the suit led nor a trump), when one is unable to follow suit.

Here are some fantastic examples of some photographes from my last photo class. Notice a lot of these photo's have an emotional impact. Be creative and have fun!

Due Friday Oct 24th

Abandoned & DiscardedAbandoned & Discarded

Abandoned and DiscardedAbandoned & Discarded 

Abandoned & DiscardedAbandoned & Discarded

Abandoned and Discarded

Thursday, October 20, 2016

For all Nikon D 3000 users here is an excellent tutorial I found on Utube. It is specific to the manual mode on your camera.

I hope this helps :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Photo of the week

Photo of the week "Hope"

Here are some good examples of projects from last year.

hope  (hp)
v. hoped, hop·ing, hopes
1. To wish for something with expectation of its fulfillment.
2. Archaic To have confidence; trust.
1. To look forward to with confidence or expectation: We hope that our children will be successful.
2. To expect and desire. See Synonyms at expect.
1. A wish or desire accompanied by confident expectation of its fulfillment.
2. Something that is hoped for or desired: Success is our hope.
3. One that is a source of or reason for hope: the team's only hope for victory.
4. often Hope Christianity The theological virtue defined as the desire and search for a future good, difficult but not impossible to attain with God's help.
5. Archaic Trust; confidence.
HopeHope Hope Hope 

Assignment #11

In this assignment you are going to compose some land scape photos. Consider some of the options you learned in your composition assignment. High and low horizon lines,  framing and the use of depth of field. Landscapes should not include a major subject ie. a person or animal in the photo. Also it is a good idea to consider the effects lighting has on your image. This time of year there are some excellent atmospheric conditions due to the cold weather that produce some fantastic cool colours especially in the morning when the sun begins to rise.  Different perspectives also add interest. But most of all try and find interesting places that have unique qualities. Good luck on this project and have fun!

Take 10 different types of landscape photos. Choose different locations, and different lighting conditions.

Total Project /25

Due Friday Oct 24th

This photo is using a low Horizon Line

This phot makes great use of foreground, and

This photo is low keyed using Monocramatic colors

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Assignment #10

The Photo Montage
Read your hand out on Special Effects Montage (assignment #10) and follow the steps provided. Make sure you use the links provided to give you some ideas. In this project you will become more familliar with your camera functions, as well as adobe Photoshop on your computer.

A photo montage is simply a collection of separate images compiled into one to create a single image.

In this assignment you will be expected to provide 3-4 photos.

Photo 1    /9
Photo 2    /9
Photo 3    /9
Photo 4    /9

Total Mark     /36

Due Friday October 16th

Photo Montage Photo Montage Photo Montage
Photo Montage Photo Montage

Photo Montage Photo Montage

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Assignment #9 Reflectiveand Faceless Portraits


Faceless Portraits and Reflective Portraits

Please see Mr. Mueller for the handout and use the web sites provided for reference.

Please read assignment #3 in your hand out carefully and complete sections 1 & 2.  Make sure you take a variety of different pictures, then choose three for part 1 and three for part 2 and submit on your blog by Friday October 16th. Please refer to the websites provided and the handouts for reference. Please feel free to ask Mr. Mueller for help if you are experiencing any difficulties.

3 photos self reflective
3 faceless

total marks /25
Due Friday October 21st

Reflective Portraits

Reflective Portrait Reflective Portraits Reflective Portrait
Relective Portrait Reflective Portrait reflective portrait
Reflective Portrait reflective portrait

Faceless Portraits

Faceless Portrait Faceless portrait Faceless Portrait

Faceless Portrait "Face it" Cinderella.......... 
Photo of the Week
Photo of The week "Thriving"
thrive  (thrv)
intr.v. thrived or throve (thrv), thrived or thriv·en (thrvn), thriv·ing, thrives
1. To make steady progress; prosper.
2. To grow vigorously; flourish: "the wild deer that throve here" (Tom Clancy).